Why Printed Photos Make Amazing Holiday Gifts


Now that December has arrived, people everywhere start thinking about the holidays. Christmas will be here before we know it! One of the best gifts for the holidays is the gift of printed photos. It’s one of the most heartfelt gifts for the holidays because it is a gift of love, laughter and memory. The best way to celebrate your family photos is to hang them on your wall, where you will see them and enjoy them every single day. Why not share that joy? When you give the gift of printed photos, you are sharing a moment in time. Here are a few reasons why printed photos make amazing holiday gifts.

Reasons Why Printed Photos Make Amazing Holiday Gifts

Everyone loves a photo of their loved ones — you can’t go wrong! Parents and grandparents especially can never get enough photos of their kids and grandkids. Children grow so quickly, and photographs are a way to capture the magic and joy of childhood. When you print out your family photos, you can enjoy that memory every day!

While toys, clothes and other material items are fun, photos celebrate what the holidays are truly about — family. The gift of printed photos will be enjoyed for so much longer than a gift card to a favorite restaurant or store. A printed and nicely framed photograph will be treasured for years to come.

Are you looking for something more experience-based? Photo albums are a great way to enjoy your favorite memories over and over again. Every time you snuggle together to look through the images, you’ll relive and remember the fun you had together as a family. This is such a wonderful way to remind children of their place in the family. Looking at family photos together in a photo album can help to show children that they are a part of the family. It can help them know they belong. Child psychologist David Krauss says in a study titled Phototherapy in Mental Health: “I think it is really important to show a family as a family unit. It is so helpful for children to see themselves as a valued and important part of that family unit.” Seeing themselves with their family in a moment when they are loved and happy is so valuable to a child! Even small children can appreciate looking at photographs and reviewing faces of loved ones who are far away. Don’t underestimate the power of printed photos and the happiness they bring.

Full-Service Family Photography

Indy Family Photo is a full-service photography studio, meaning we won’t leave you hanging to figure this all out on your own! We can help you print photos you already have, or, purchase a session as a gift for your loved ones this holiday season. We’ll complete your portraits with albums, wall art, or any other display items you might desire.

Every time I go visit my parents, one of my favorite things to do is pull out the old family photo albums. Our kids are one of the most photographed generations — let’s make sure those photos are around for them to enjoy when they grow up and have left to start off on their own lives!

If you are interested in a printed photo consultation or if you’d like to book a photo session as a gift, please make sure to contact me or drop on into the Indy Family Photo Studio to say hello!